• Overview of Chinese core journals
  • Chinese Science Citation Database(CSCD)
  • Chinese Scientific and Technological Paper and Citation Database (CSTPCD)
  • China National Knowledge Infrastructure(CNKI)
  • Chinese Science Abstracts Database(CSAD)
  • JST China

Illumination on Farmland Utilization in Taiwan from Flood Control Plan of Germany
LIU Jian-zhe
2012(6): 1-03.
Abstract PDF
Achievements of Agricultural Products Export to China Mainland in Taiwan under ECFA
ZHOU Qiong, ZENG Yu-rong
2012(6): 4-8.
Abstract PDF
Practice of Sun Yat-sen’s Agriculture Thought in the Development of Taiwan
Modern Agriculture and Its Illumination
XU Zhi-cang
2012(6): 9-13.
Abstract PDF
Comparative Study on Organic Agricultural Legislations between Both Sides of the Taiwan Straits
WU Yue, LIU Ling
2012(6): 14-19.
Abstract PDF
Experiences on Tea Brand Construction in Taiwan and Its Illuminations for Fujian
LI Han-lin, CHEN Wen-jing
2012(6): 20-23.
Abstract PDF
Countermeasure on Deepening the Connection of Industry between Fujian and Taiwan
after CEFA Era
CAI Yong-zhi
2012(6): 24-27.
Abstract PDF
Analysis on Regional Distribution of Characteristic Agro-products in Fujian
LV Shan, CHEN Wen-jing, WU Yue
2012(6): 28-32.
Abstract PDF
SU Shuo-jun, ZHONG Shi-ming, PAN Hui, LIN Ben-xi, ZHUANG Pei-fen
2012(6): 33-37.
Abstract PDF
Countermeasures on Propelling County Economy Development by Developing Agriculture
through Science and Technology in Anxi
WU Hua-gang
2012(6): 38-42.
Abstract PDF
Investigation on Non-Point Source Pollution of Livestock and Poultry Industry in Fujian
and Its Control Countermeasures
WANG Jian-hua, WU Ze-yan, LIN Wen-xiong
2012(6): 43-46.
Abstract PDF
Analysis on Tea Production in Anxi on the basis of Cobb Douglas Production Function
LI Chang-sheng
2012(6): 47-49.
Abstract PDF
The Existing Problems and Countermeasures of Agricultural Sci-technical
Innovation and Extension System
XU Shen-xian
2012(6): 50-52.
Abstract PDF
Countermeasure and Market Status Analysis on Staple Black Tea in Fujian——Take the Successful Experiences of Lipton as Reference
WANG Hong-ping, LIU Yi-lei, ZENG Zhi-hao
2012(6): 53-55.
Abstract PDF
Comparisons on Management Systems of Transgenic Agricultural Products between China and America and Its Illumination
LIN Duan-ying, ZHUANG Jin-qing
2012(6): 56-58.
Abstract PDF
Countermeasure and Influencing Factor Analysis on the Development of Tea Market in Fujian
PENG Hong, CHEN Jing
2012(6): 56-58.
Abstract PDF
Analysis on the Effect of Tianbao Banana’s Industrialization Technology Promotion Mode and Its Illumination
ZHANG Wen-ming, LIU Fei-xiang
2012(6): 63-65.
Abstract PDF
Situation, Problems and Countermeasure of Cane Sugar Production in Zhanjiang State Farm
FU Ming-qi, LI Jun-li, QIU Yue-hong
2012(6): 66-67.
Abstract PDF
Measures on Sci-tech Special Commissioner Work carried out in Putian
FU Mei-lan
2012(6): 68-70.
Abstract PDF
Study and Application of Centromere-specific Histone H3
ZHOU Shu-fen
2012(6): 71-73.
Abstract PDF
Analysis and Evaluation on Amino Acid Composition of Pear Fruits
during Low-temperature Storage
GAO Hui-ying, HAN Jian-yue
2012(6): 74-76.
Abstract PDF
Research Progress on the Production of Xylanase by Microorganism Fermentation
SUN Xiao-mei, HUANG Jian-zhong
2012(6): 77-81.
Abstract PDF
Determination of 16 Organophosphorus Pesticide Residues in Vegetables by Capillary Gas Chromatography
CHEN Zhi-tao, GUO Jing, ZHANG Rui, JIANG Hui, ZHENG Ling, CAI Wei
2012(6): 82-85.
Abstract PDF
Planting Techniques of Black Pearl Wax Apple in Changtai County
ZHANG Na-fen
2012(6): 86-87.
Abstract PDF
Discussion on the Hotspots of Taiwan Agriculture Research from Mainland Based on Co-word Analysis
LIN Shu-wen, CHEN Wen-jing, ZHOU Qiong, ZENG Yu-rong
2012(6): 88-92.
Abstract PDF
Statistics and Analysis on Taiwan-related Research Projects in Fujian
XU Zheng-chun, WENG Zhi-hui, ZHANG Mei, CHI Min-qing
2012(6): 93-96.
Abstract PDF