• Overview of Chinese core journals
  • Chinese Science Citation Database(CSCD)
  • Chinese Scientific and Technological Paper and Citation Database (CSTPCD)
  • China National Knowledge Infrastructure(CNKI)
  • Chinese Science Abstracts Database(CSAD)
  • JST China

Comparative Analysis of Tea International Competitiveness Between China and the Major Tea Exporting Countries Along the Belt and Road Routes
ZHENG Ning-xin, CHEN Rong, ZHUANG Pei-fen
2022, 44(4): 1-9. DOI: 10.16006/j.cnki.twnt.2022.04.001
Abstract FullText HTML PDF
Impact of Indonesia’s Business Environment on Attracting the Direct Investment from RCEP Countries
2022, 44(4): 10-16. DOI: 10.16006/j.cnki.twnt.2022.04.002
Abstract FullText HTML PDF
Research Status and Prospect of the Rural Surplus Labor Force in China
LIU Liang, LU Quan
2022, 44(4): 17-24. DOI: 10.16006/j.cnki.twnt.2022.04.003
Abstract FullText HTML PDF
Can the Trade Union Organizations in Enterprises Really Improve the Employment Quality of Migrant Workers?
QIU Yue, ZHOU Bi-fen
2022, 44(4): 25-31. DOI: 10.16006/j.cnki.twnt.2022.04.004
Abstract FullText HTML PDF
Analysis of the Constraint Mechanism for the Development of New Professional Farmers Based on ISM Model
CUI Ming-xin
2022, 44(4): 32-38. DOI: 10.16006/j.cnki.twnt.2022.04.005
Abstract FullText HTML PDF
Effectiveness, Problems and Countermeasures on the Construction of National Ecological Civilization Pilot Zone in Fujian from the Perspective of Xi Jinping Thought on Ecological Civilization
MU Liang-hong
2022, 44(4): 39-44. DOI: 10.16006/j.cnki.twnt.2022.04.006
Abstract FullText HTML PDF
Analysis on the Influence of Information Acquisition on the Willingness of Farmers to Sort Garbage
CHEN Shi-wen, HUANG Sen-wei, HUANG Ke-yang, HE You-xing
2022, 44(4): 45-51. DOI: 10.16006/j.cnki.twnt.2022.04.007
Abstract FullText HTML PDF
Construction and Evaluation of the Index System for the Rural Revitalization and Development in Counties
WANG Hai-ping, LI Lin-lin, LIN Jia-hao, XU Biao-wen
2022, 44(4): 52-60. DOI: 10.16006/j.cnki.twnt.2022.04.008
Abstract FullText HTML PDF
Consturction Status of New Professional Farmers System and Its Improvemet Ideas
LIU Xiao-jie, XU You-kuan, HE Shi-zhen, LI Yu-qi, CHEN Si-ying
2022, 44(4): 61-66. DOI: 10.16006/j.cnki.twnt.2022.04.009
Abstract FullText HTML PDF
Development Model of Rural Cultural Resources: Excavation, Integration and Promotion
SHEN Wen-jing, HU Wei-wei
2022, 44(4): 67-73. DOI: 10.16006/j.cnki.twnt.2022.04.010
Abstract FullText HTML PDF
Analysis on the Mode and Path of Tea-tourism Industrial Integration under the Background of Rural Revitalization
LIN Hai-li, HUANG Xin-tian, HUANG Feng-nan, LIU Shi-yu, NI Yuan-xuan
2022, 44(4): 74-79. DOI: 10.16006/j.cnki.twnt.2022.04.011
Abstract FullText HTML PDF
Strategy Selection for the Development of Flower Industry in Fujian Province under the Background of Rural Revitalization
JU Meng-jiao, ZHOU Yu-ting
2022, 44(4): 80-84. DOI: 10.16006/j.cnki.twnt.2022.04.012
Abstract FullText HTML PDF