• Overview of Chinese core journals
  • Chinese Science Citation Database(CSCD)
  • Chinese Scientific and Technological Paper and Citation Database (CSTPCD)
  • China National Knowledge Infrastructure(CNKI)
  • Chinese Science Abstracts Database(CSAD)
  • JST China

Experience Reference of the Agricultural Modernization Development in Taiwan to the Transformation of Small-scale Peasant Economy in Chinese Mainland
GAO Xing-min
2022, 44(3): 1-5. DOI: 10.16006/j.cnki.twnt.2022.03.001
Abstract FullText HTML PDF
Comparative Analysis of International Competitiveness of Financial Service Trade Between China and Australia
ZHANG Qian, WU Sheng-liang, ZHUANG Pei-fen
2022, 44(3): 6-14. DOI: 10.16006/j.cnki.twnt.2022.03.002
Abstract FullText HTML PDF
Synergistic Strategy of Technology, Ecology and Consumption in Tea Industry Under the Background of COVID-19 Pandemic
WANG Zi-qi, QU Feng
2022, 44(3): 15-20. DOI: 10.16006/j.cnki.twnt.2022.03.003
Abstract FullText HTML PDF
Analysis on the Dilemma and Countermeasure of New Round of Pilot Reform of Homestead System
LIN Chao, GUO Yan-jun, JIAO Fan-xu
2022, 44(3): 21-26. DOI: 10.16006/j.cnki.twnt.2022.03.004
Abstract FullText HTML PDF
Connotation, Dilemma and Approach of Rural Revitalization
JIANG Yu-ning, HUANG Jing-han
2022, 44(3): 27-31. DOI: 10.16006/j.cnki.twnt.2022.03.005
Abstract FullText HTML PDF
Research on the Income Structure Changes of Low-income Groups and Its Optimization Path
CAI Yuan-rong, HUANG Xiang, YANG Chang-lin, LIU Fei-xiang
2022, 44(3): 32-38. DOI: 10.16006/j.cnki.twnt.2022.03.006
Abstract FullText HTML PDF
Analysis on the Effect Mechanism of Agricultural Modernization Development on the Urbanization Construction in Guizhou
WU Hua-min
2022, 44(3): 39-44. DOI: 10.16006/j.cnki.twnt.2022.03.007
Abstract FullText HTML PDF
Investigation and Analysis on the Farmers’ Sense of Economic Gain from the Perspective of Rural Revitalization
ZHANG Yi-miao, CHEN Jing-xin, LIN Li, LIU Shu-ting, LU Zhi-rui, HONG Ye-ying
2022, 44(3): 45-52. DOI: 10.16006/j.cnki.twnt.2022.03.008
Abstract FullText HTML PDF
Analysis on the Environmental Behavior of Residents in China and Its Influencing Factors from a Regional Perspective
ZHANG Yan-fang
2022, 44(3): 53-59. DOI: 10.16006/j.cnki.twnt.2022.03.009
Abstract FullText HTML PDF
Impact of Financial Support on the Performance of Farmers’ Professional Cooperatives in Fujian Province
TANG Xin-hua, WU Hui-ru, LAN Zhi-yan, FANG Meng-ying, LIN Yi-lian, CHEN Xiao-qiang
2022, 44(3): 60-67. DOI: 10.16006/j.cnki.twnt.2022.03.010
Abstract FullText HTML PDF
Analysis on the Impact of Peer Effect on the Urbanization Willingness of Migrant Workers
XIU Jing-ni, ZHOU Bi-fen, FANG Xiao-jiao
2022, 44(3): 68-75. DOI: 10.16006/j.cnki.twnt.2022.03.011
Abstract FullText HTML PDF