
Thinking on the Legal Protection System for Ecological Agriculture in China

  • 摘要: 生态农业是符合我国环境保护国策、适应生态文明时代需要的生态型集约的、可持续的农业生产方式。我国生态农业发展历经数十年已经取得了一定的成绩,但也存在发展生态农业的法律保障体系不健全等关键制约问题。该文通过研究我国现行生态农业的法律制度现状及存在问题、分析德国、瑞典、日本等国生态农业立法经验,对完善我国生态农业法律制度保障提出若干思考建议。


    Abstract: Ecological agriculture it the intensive and sustainable agricultural production mode which is accord with environmental protection policy in China and the need of ecological civilization. In China, the development of ecological agriculture has achieved some progresses in recent decades, but the legal protection system for developing ecological agriculture is still incomplete. This paper analyzed the situations and the existing problems of the legal protection system for ecological agriculture in China, and summarized the legislative experiences for ecological agriculture in Sweden, German and Japan. Based on the analysis, this paper put forward the suggestions to perfect the legislative experiences for ecological agriculture in China.


