Impacts of Crossstrait Tourism Agreement on Fujian Tourism
摘要: 采用SWOT法分析了福建进一步发展旅游业的优势、劣势、机会与威胁,并通过比较《海峡两岸关于大陆居民赴台湾旅游协议》签订前台湾游客赴闽旅游的预测数据和签订后的实际数据,结果认为协议的签订对台湾游客赴闽旅游有一定的影响,但协议的签订对台湾游客在闽逗留时间影响不大;最后促进台湾游客赴闽旅游的对策思考。Abstract: By using the method of SWOT analysis, the strength, weakness, opportunity, threat of Fujian tourist industry were analyzed. And the predicted data and the actual data before and after the signing of Crossstrait Tourism Agreement were compared, this paper finds that Crossstrait Tourism Agreement has some impacts for Taiwan tourists to Fujian. But the agreement’ impact on sojourn time is limited. Last, this paper put forward the countermeasures thinking.