
Analysis on Market Trend and Competitiveness of Eco-agriculture in Fujian

  • 摘要: 目前福建省生态农业市场中生态农产品的需求和供给占全国的比重均处在一个较低的水平。根据经济发展的总体情况分析,福建省生态农产品的需求将会面临一个快速的增长趋势,而供给方面因为受制于规模的原因,不会有较大的增长趋势。运用波特钻石模型分析发现,福建省生态农业竞争力总体较弱。该文从需求和供给的角度提出了促进福建省生态农业发展的对策建议。


    Abstract: The demand and supply of ecoagricultural product in Fujian ecoagricultural market have a lower proportion in the country at present. According to the analysis of the economy development, the market demand of ecoagricultural product will increase quickly in Fujian. while the market supply will not increase quickly due to the small production scale. The result based on the analysis of Porter’s diamond model reveals that the competitiveness of ecoagriculture in Fujian is relative weak in general. Then, this paper put forwards some measurements to improve the development of ecoagriculture in Fujian.


