Countermeasures and Development of Higher Education Cooperation between Fujian and Taiwan
摘要: 该文阐述了闽台高等教育合作发展历程,分析目前闽台高等教育合作存在的问题,针对闽台高等教育存在的问题提出以下对策:台湾当局应顺应教育合作趋势,松绑目前的政策;继续加强两岸沟通与交流;建立闽台合作办学的法律及监管保障机制。Abstract: This paper describes the development of higher education cooperation between Fujian and Taiwan and analyzes the existing issues in the said field. Then, the solutions are put forward. Taiwan should loosen the pertinent policies and conform to the historical trend of development of higher education cooperation. It is necessary to enhance the exchanges and communication between Fujian and Taiwan and set up the supervision and management mechanism.