
Countermeasures on Improving the Competitiveness of Agricultural Emerging Industry in Fujian

  • 摘要: 分析了福建省农业新兴产业现状,总结了当前福建省发挥自然资源和区位优势、注重产学研结合、打造农业品牌、提高农业组织化水平、深化闽台农业合作等发展现代农业的主要做法和经验,分析了农业新兴产业发展中存在的主要问题,最后提出提升福建省农业新兴产业竞争力的对策和建议。


    Abstract: The paper analyzes the present situation of agricultural emerging industry and summarizes the major practices and experiences of the development of modern agriculture in Fujian which includes exerting the advantages of natural resources and location, paying attention to the combination involving production, teaching and research, building agricultural brand, improving the level of agricultural organization, and deepening the agricultural cooperation between Fujian and Taiwan.Meanwhile, the existing problems of agricultural emerging industry were analyzed.Last, this put forward the countermeasures and suggestions which would promote the competitiveness of agricultural emerging industry in Fujian.


