
Study on Key Technologies in Agriculture Internet of Things

  • 摘要: 物联网是由多项信息技术融合而成的新型技术体系,被称为继计算机、互联网之后,世界信息产业的第三次浪潮。农业物联网技术的应用是现代农业发展的需要,也是现代农业发展的方向。该文首先对物联网的概念和体系架构进行分析,介绍了物联网的发展及其在农业方面的应用,接着根据物联网体系结构,分析了农业物联网中的传感器网络技术身份识别技术、通信技术、智能处理技术等关键技术,并指出各种技术中存在的挑战及发展方向。


    Abstract: Internet of Things, IoT, is a new technical hierarchy system combined by several information technologies. IoT is known as the third wave of global information industry after computer and Internet. The applications of IoT in agriculture are required by the modern agriculture development. This paper introduces the IoT's concept, the system framework, the development, and the applications in agriculture. Furthermore, this paper analyses the key technologies of agriculture IoT, including the sensor networking technology, the identification technology, communication technology and the intelligent processing technology, and points out the existing challenges and development directions of the above technologies.


