
Research Progress on Epigenetic Regulation of Arabidopsis’s Response to the Environment Change

  • 摘要: 概述了表观遗传学调控在应答反应中的调控作用,介绍了组蛋白变体H2A.Z在拟南芥各种应答反应中所扮演的角色,阐述了组蛋白的甲基化修饰对于拟南芥开花过程调控的重要意义,最后列举了拟南芥其他一些应答反应中的表观遗传学调控机理。


    Abstract: This paper provided an overview of epigenetic regulation of Arabidopsis’s response to the environment change. Tthe role of histone vriant H2A.Z in a variety of responses in Arabidopsis was discussed. And the critical function of the histone methylation modification in the process of the regulation of Arabidopsis flowering was described. Last, some research results of epigenetics in the responses to environment in Arabidopsis were list in this paper.


