
Analysis on High and New Technology Industry Cooperation between Fujian and Taiwan
From the Perspective of Industrial Cluster

  • 摘要: 闽台高新技术产业合作在近些年取得了不错的成绩,促进了闽台经济的合作交流,但仍存在着服务体系不完善、政策形势多变等问题。产业集群是高新技术产业合作的新模式,产业合作各方通过信息、技术、资本在集群区内流动,实现了资源的优化配置。闽台在区位、高新技术的发展模式等方面都存在的一定的互补性,在产业集群的基础上,对闽台高新技术产业合作存在的问题采取相应的对策,能够促进两岸高新技术产业合作的发展。


    Abstract: High and new technology industry cooperation between Fujian and Taiwan have acquired some good effects, which promoted the economic communication between Fujian and Taiwan. But there are still some problems like the imperfection of service system, instability of policy and so on. Industrial cluster is a new pattern to high and new technology industry cooperation. Fujian and Taiwan have complementarities in geographical locations and development patterns of high and new technology. In the base of industrial cluster, the countermeasures should be taken to to promote the development of high and new technology industry cooperation between Fujian and Taiwan.


