
Feasibility Analysis on Dutyfree Plans for the Four Islands between Fujian and Taiwan

  • 摘要: 阐述了闽台两岸金门、厦门、平潭、东山四岛各自的优势,并从国际旅游外汇收入、财政收入方面分析了实行“四岛免税”方案的经济效应,指出实行这一方案面临的政策执行力等问题,最后提出加强基础设施建设,消除商品、人员和资本自由流动的障碍,设立专门的执行和监管机构,加强市场信息体系建设等对策建议。


    Abstract:  This paper described the advantages of four islands——Jinmen, Xiamen, Pingtan and Dongshan. And the economic effects of Dutyfree Plans for the four islands between Fujian and Taiwan were analyzed from the foreign exchange earnings of international tourism and financial revenue. Meanwhile, the existing problems faced by this plan were pointed. Last, the suggestions were put forward from the aspects such as strengthening the infrastructure construction, eliminating the barriers to the free flow of commodities, labor, and capital, setting up the specific execution and supervision entity, and enhancing the construction of market information system.


