Review and outlook: a brief history and a bright future of H.K.and Taiwan capital′s participation in constructing the West Coastal Economic Zone across Taiwan Straits
摘要: 在回顾改革开放以来福建省在吸收港台资本参与福建经济建设的历史的基础上,总结了福建引进港台资本的成绩和主要特色,指出在国家大力支持建设海峡西岸经济区的背景下,福建立足于现有的基础、充分发挥以往的经验,将在引进港台资本参与海峡西岸经济区建设的过程中发挥更大的作用。Abstract: Based on a brief review on the history, this article has summarized the achievement, feature and style of Fujian's drawing in H.K.and Taiwan Capital to participate in constructing the West Coastal Economic Zone across Taiwan Straits, and points out that in new situations, the province of Fujian will play a greater role in drawing in H.K.and Taiwan Capital to participate in constructing the West Coastal Economic Zone across Taiwan Straits, and that will bring bright future.