Research on Situation of Fujian Rural Scientific and Technological Information and New Communication Mode
摘要: 从体系架构、信息化程度及信息化需求等方面着手,研究福建省农村科技信息传播状况,分析福建省农村科技信息传播的总体架构,探讨福建省农村科技信息化程度及需求,以期找出不足之处,并在此基础上,提出一种可以有效简化传播过程,降低传播成本,适合福建省农村科技信息传播的可行理论模式。Abstract: From some aspects such as system architecture, informatization degree, informatization requirements, this article discusses the situation of Fujian rural scientific and technological information, and puts forward a mode to simplify propagation processes, decrease communication cost.