Analysis on the Current Status of Leisure Agriculture in Cities and Counties of Taiwan
摘要: 摘要:台湾休闲农业起步早、发展快,各县市各有特色。综合休闲农业区、休闲农场和民宿的发展和经营情况分析,结果表明台湾休闲农业的地区分布以中部与东部相对发达,而县市中则以宜兰县、南投县、花莲县和苗栗县发展较好。Abstract: Abstract: The development of leisure agriculture in Taiwan was early and rapid, and leisure agriculture in all the cities and counties has their own characteristics. The study on leisure agriculture region, leisure farm and lodging showed that leisure agriculture in the middle and the east of Taiwan was relatively developed; and among the counties, Yilan County, Nantou County, Hualian County and Miaoli County developed rapidly.