
Study on accelerating development of eggs processing industry

  • 摘要: 我国是世界上最大的蛋品生产国和消费国,连续20多年保持世界第一产蛋大国的地位。但是由于生产工艺落后、技术含量较低,我国禽蛋产品市场竞争力不强,蛋制品在质量安全、运输储藏方面与国际标准尚有差距,仍难以立足国际市场。该文总结了禽蛋加工业的发展趋势,分析了禽蛋加工业面临的发展机遇和问题,提出了加快发展蛋品加工的思路与对策。


    Abstract: China is the largest egg producer and consumer in the world, and keeps the first for 20 years consecutively.However, due to the backward production process and the low technology, market competitiveness of eggs products in China is less, and the existing gap of the quality, safety, transportation, storage of eggs products between international standards, it is still hard to base on the international market.This paper summarized the trend of the development of eggs processing industry, analyzed opportunities and problems in the development of eggs processing industry, and put forward measures to accelerate the development of egg processing industry.


