
Influence of the Merchant Employer System on the Employment of Left-behind Female EmbroiderersBased on the Investigation of the Production and Operation of Yi Embroidery in Yongren County of Yunnan Province

  • 摘要:
    目的/意义 探讨包买商制度在解决留守绣娘的就业出路问题中的积极作用,为留守女性搭建向经济独立迈进的新阶梯,优化就业结构,推动共同富裕。
    方法/过程 基于云南省永仁县彝绣生产经营微观调查数据,通过抽象法研究包买商制度对留守绣娘就业的作用。
    结果/结论 通过包买商制度,留守绣娘的刺绣技能可以转变为获取货币性收入的生产性技艺,其零散的闲暇时间转变为创造价值和剩余价值的劳动时间,实现由非生产性人员转为生产劳动者、自给性产品生产转变为商品生产的质的飞跃。作为资本主义生产方式产生前的一种生产组织形式,包买商制度的“倒退落后论”并不恰当,在民族经济乃至中国经济中仍具有现实意义。


    Objective/Meaning By exploring the positive role of the merchant employer system in solving the employment issues of the left-behind female embroiderers, it was expected to construct a new ladder for these women to step towards the economic independence, thus to optimize the employment structure and promote the prosperity in common.
    Methods/Procedures Based on the micro-survey data of the Yi embroidery production and operation in Yongren County of Yunnan Province, the effect of the merchant employer system on the employment of the left-behind female embroiderers was studied by using the abstract method.
    Results/Conclusions Through the system of merchant employer, the embroidery skills of the left-behind female embroiderers could be transformed into the productive skills to obtain monetary income, and their scattered leisure time could be transformed into labor time to create value and surplus value, thus realizing the qualitative leap from non-productive personnel to productive laborers and from the production of self-sufficiency products to commodity production. As a form of production organization before the emergence of the capitalist mode of production, the “backward theory” of the merchant employer system was not appropriate, and still had practical significance in the national economy and even the Chinese economy.


