
Analysis on the Impact of Natural Disasters on the Trust of Rural Residents in Local GovernmentsEmpirical Evidence from the China Family Panel Studies

  • 摘要:
    目的/意义 自然灾害的频繁冲击直接或间接地影响了社会稳定和人民生产生活,而政府有效的应急响应和灾后重建,有可能为政府提供化解灾害风险、塑造新形象的重要机遇,进而提高政权在紧急状态下的合法性。
    方法/过程 基于中国家庭追踪调查2014年、2016年和2018年的3期数据,通过双向固定效应模型来实证检验自然灾害对农村居民地方政府信任的影响。
    结果/结论 研究发现,长期自然灾害冲击下农村居民对地方政府的信任程度得到显著提高;短期自然灾害冲击下农村居民对地方政府的信任程度会显著上升,但很难长期维持,甚至会回落到正常水平。异质性分析显示,水旱灾害、生物灾害、地震灾害、地质灾害等与农村居民生产生活密切相关的灾害冲击强化了农村居民对地方政府的信任。


    Objective/Meaning The frequent impact of natural disasters has directly or indirectly affected the social stability and people’s production and life. The effective emergency response and post-disaster reconstruction of the government may provide important opportunities for the government to resolve the disaster risks and create a new image, thereby enhancing the legitimacy of the regime in the state of emergency.
    Methods/Procedures Based on the data of the China Family Panel Studies in 2014, 2016 and 2018, the impact of natural disasters on the trust of rural residents in local governments was empirically tested through the two-way fixed effect model.
    Results/Conclusions It was found that the level of trust of rural residents in local governments has been significantly improved under the impact of long-term natural disasters. Under the impact of short-term natural disasters, the level of trust of rural residents in local governments would increase significantly, but it was difficult to maintain for a long time, and even would fall back to the normal levels. The heterogeneity analysis showed that the impact of disasters which were closely related to the production and life of rural residents, such as the flood and drought disasters, biological disasters, earthquake disasters, and geological disasters, has strengthened the trust of rural residents in local governments.


