
Spatial Differentiation of Rural Population Hollowing and Its Influencing Factors in Fujian Province

  • 摘要:
    目的/意义 全面了解福建省县域农村人口空心化空间分异现状及其影响因素。
    方法/过程 基于福建省第七次人口普查数据,在对农村人口空心化程度进行综合测评的基础上,运用ESDA-GIS等方法研究其空间分异规律,并建立多元线性回归模型探究影响因素。
    结果/结论 研究结果表明:(1)福建省县域均存在不同程度的农村人口空心化,且呈现出显著的沿海—内陆和市辖区周边—非市辖区周边县域的地域性差异;(2)农村人口空心化程度呈空间集聚趋势,高—高型集聚区域主要分布于内陆山区欠发达县域,而低—低型集聚区域集中分布于沿海地区经济发达县域;(3)除区域分异影响不显著外,农村居民人均可支配收入越低、参加低保的乡村人口比重越低、粮食作物播种面积越大和教育支出在财政支出中的占比越高,则农村人口空心化程度也越高。


    Objective/Meaning This paper aimed to comprehensively understand the status quo of the spatial differentiation of hollowing out of rural population in the counties of Fujian Province and its influencing factors.
    Methods/Procedures Based on the data of the seventh population census in Fujian Province, and on the basis of the comprehensive evaluation of the hollowing degree of rural population, the spatial differentiation rule was studied by using the methods such as ESDA-GIS, and then the multiple linear regression model was established to explore the influencing factors.
    Results/Conclusions The results showed that: (1) There were different degrees of hollowness of rural population in the counties of Fujian Province, showing significant regional differences between the coastal and inland areas and between the counties around municipal districts and the counties around non-municipal districts. (2) The degree of hollowness of rural population showed a trend of spatial agglomeration. The high-high agglomeration areas were mainly distributed in the less developed counties in the inland mountainous area, while the low-low agglomeration areas were mainly distributed in the economically well-developed counties in the coastal areas. (3) Except for the insignificant effect of regional differentiation, the lower the per capita disposable income of rural residents was, the lower the proportion of rural population participating in the subsistence allowances was, the larger the sown area of food crops was and the higher the proportion of educational expenditure in the fiscal expenditure was, the higher the hollowing degree of rural population would be.


