
Analysis on the Improvement of the Logistics Service Capability of Rural E-commerce in Fujian in the Process of Rural Revitalization

  • 摘要:
    目的/意义 乡村振兴进程中,日益增加的电商物流需求对农村电商物流服务能力提出了新的要求。探索农村电商物流服务能力的指标构成,并对其进行合理分析和科学评价,进而为提升农村电商物流服务水平、促进农村电商物流高质量发展提供决策参考。
    方法/过程 基于福建省的情况,构建了包括物流基础设施等7个一级指标和28个二级指标的农村电商物流服务能力指标体系,并通过对福清市高山镇等4镇10村的调研,获取了218份样本数据。在此基础上,利用层次分析法和模糊综合评价法对福建农村电商物流服务能力进行了分析评价。
    结果/结论 研究发现,福建农村电商物流服务能力总体上处于中等偏上水平,其中物流配送能力、信息服务能力、增值服务能力等3个指标的综合评价得分低于整体得分,需要重点提升。据此,提出构建物流体系和优化配送流程、运用先进技术和实现信息共享、拓宽服务范围和增强消费体验等策略建议。


    Objective/Meaning In the process of rural revitalization, the increasing demand for the e-commerce logistics has put forward new requirements for the rural e-commerce logistics service capabilities. Exploring the index composition of rural e-commerce logistics service capability and conducting the reasonable analysis and scientific evaluation of them was helpful to provide decision-making reference for improving the level of rural e-commerce logistics service and promoting the high-quality development of rural e-commerce logistics.
    Methods/Procedures Based on the situation of Fujian Province, an index system of the rural e-commerce logistics service capability was constructed, which included 7 first-level indicators and 28 second-level indicators such as the logistics infrastructure. Then, through the investigation of 10 villages in 4 towns such as Gaoshan Town in Fuqing City, 218 sample data were obtained. On this basis, the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method (FCE) were used to analyze and evaluate the logistics service capacity of rural e-commerce in Fujian.
    Results/Conclusions The study found that the logistics service capability of rural e-commerce in Fujian was generally at an above medium level, and the comprehensive evaluation scores of the three indicators, including the logistics distribution capability, the information service capability and the value-added service capability, were lower than the overall score, which needed to be improved. Accordingly, some strategies and suggestions were put forward including constructing the logistics system and optimizing the distribution process, using the advanced technology and realizing the information sharing, broadening the service scope and enhancing the consumption experience.


