
“Going Out” Strategy for Agriculture of China Under the Background of “One Belt and One Road”

  • 摘要: 基于以“一带一路”的视角,对中国对外农业发展在总量发展、企业经营、投资方向和各省区对外投资等方面进行梳理,剖析我国农业“走出去”在企业自身能力、国内相关体制与机制、东道国环境等方面的主要问题,进而从全球化角度对我国农业“走出去”在资源互补、产能合作、市场互惠和发展共赢方面进行机遇分析,最后提出中国农业发展在理念革新、内容创新和方式创新三方面的战略选择。


    Abstract: From the perspective of “One Belt and One Road”, the development of China’s foreign agriculture were analyzed from aspects of total product, business management, investment direction, and foreign investment in various provinces and autonomous regions. Main problems for “going out” strategy of agriculture were analyzed, including which existed in enterprise, domestic related systems and mechanisms, circumstances of host countries, and so on. Then the opportunities in complementary resources, production cooperation, market reciprocity and winwin development for China’s agriculture “going out” were studied from globalization point of view, and some suggestions for innovation on concept, content, and way of agriculture development were promoted.


