
Dynamic Mechanism and Route Choices of the Cooperative Innovation of Ecological Agriculture Between Fujian and Taiwan

  • 摘要: 基于闽台生态农业协同创新的可行性分析,根据其内外部因素所发挥的不同作用,构建由“内生驱动”和“外发传导”两大体系共同组成的动力机制模型,并从整合与互动的视角提出以知识增值为核心的海峡两岸充分沟通、共享创新知识,彼此协调、优化资源配置,互相协作、寻求最优同步行动,全面协同、实现高水平系统匹配的路径选择,促进政产学研用协同创新。


    Abstract: Based on the feasibility basis of the collaborative innovation of ecological agriculture between Fujian and Taiwan, the dynamic mechanism model which was composed of two main systems, namely the endogenous drive and the outward transmission was built according to the different roles played by the internal and external factors. Then, from the perspectives of integration and interaction, the path choices were proposed including communicating fully to share the innovative knowledge, coordinating with each other to optimize the resource allocation, collaborating with each other to seek the optimal synchronous behavior, and collaborating comprehensively to achieve the high-level system matching.


