
Problems and Countermeasures on the Professional Development of Farmers in Fujian

  • 摘要: 农民职业化是现代农业发展的必然趋势,传统农民向新型职业农民转变的过程中,由于土地流转机制不健全、农民素质普遍偏低、教育投入不足、政策法规滞后等问题,导致我国农民职业化进程缓慢。该文从优化职业农民队伍的数量和结构、全面提升职业农民的素质与质量、发展壮大福建省区域资源特色农业、政府为农民职业化进程保驾护航等方面,对具有福建省农民职业化的发展提出几点建议。


    Abstract: The professionalization of farmers is the inevitable trend of modern agriculture development. However, the problems such as the unsound land circulating mechanism, the low quality of farmers, the shortage of educational input and the lagging of policies and regulations have resulted in the slow progress of farmers’ professionalization in China. Therefore, the countermeasures were put forward from the aspects of optimizing the number and structure of professional farmers, enhancing the overall quality of professional farmers, developing and expanding the characteristic agriculture of regional resources in Fujian and escorting the farmers’ professionalization by the government, thus to promote the development of farmers’ professionalization in Fujian.


