
Development Status and Path Choice of Family Farms in Xiamen

  • 摘要: 目前家庭农场在厦门市仍属于新生事物,处于起步探索阶段,存在着准入条件界定不明、土地流转困难、融资难导致资金短缺、社会化服务体系不健全、经营者能力素质不强等问题。为此,明晰准入条件、创新土地流转机制、畅通融资渠道、健全社会化服务体系、提升经营者的能力素质等是促进厦门市家庭农场进一步发展的路径。


    Abstract: The family farms are newly emerging in Xiamen and are still in the preliminary and exploratory stage at present. Some limitations have hindered the development of family farms, such as the unclearly defined access conditions, difficulties in land transfer, cash shortage, defectiveness of social service system and weak managerial capacity of farmers, etc. Therefore, it is proposed to specify the access standard, improve the mechanisms for land transfer, expand the financing channels, establish a complete social service system and enhance the competency of the farmers in order to promote the further development of family farms in Xiamen.


