
Impacts of Green barriers on Agricultural Product Export in Fujian and Its Countermeasures

  • 摘要: 在当今国际贸易市场上,绿色壁垒成为各国尤其是发达国家在农产品贸易中使用的有效的贸易保护工具,大大影响了发展中国家的农产品出口贸易。该文首先介绍了绿色壁垒及其类型,并基于福建省农产品的出口现状,对福建省绿色壁垒的主要成因和影响进行了分析,最后针对分析结果对福建省农产品贸易如何应对绿色壁垒提出了相关对策建议。


    Abstract: In today’s international trade market, the green barriers have become an effective trade protection tool for countries in the trade of agricultural products, especially for the developed countries, which have greatly affected the export trade of agricultural products in the developing countries. The definition and types of green barriers were firstly introduced in this paper, and then the main causes and impacts of green barriers in Fujian were analyzed based on its export status of agricultural products. Finally, according to the analysis results, the countermeasures on how to deal with the green barriers in the trade of agricultural products in Fujian were put forward.


