
Dynamic Relationship Between Industrial Structure and Employment Structure in Fujian

  • 摘要: 分析了改革开放以来福建省产业结构与就业结构的变动趋势,并通过产业结构偏离度和就业弹性指标来分析产业结构与就业结构之间的动态关联。实证分析结果表明,福建省三次产业就业结构严重滞后于产业结构,调整产业结构、优化产业格局、增强劳动力素质能有效提高福建省经济水平和就业人口数量。


    Abstract: The changing trend of industrial structure and employment structure in Fujian since the reform and opening-up were analyzed in this paper, and then the dynamic relationship between the industrial structure and the employment structure was analyzed through the indexes of industrial structure deviation and employment elasticity. The empirical analysis showed that the employment structure of the three industries has seriously lagged behind the industrial structure in Fujian. Therefore, the economic level and employment population would be improved effectively by adjusting the industrial structure, optimizing the industrial pattern, and enhancing the quality of labor.


