
Enlightenments of Tianwei Highway Garden in Taiwan for the Development of Jianxin Flower Market in Fuzhou

  • 摘要: 阐述了台湾田尾公路花园的发展历程和现状,总结其成功经验;同时,分析了福州建新花卉市场的发展现状与存在问题,并借鉴台湾田尾公路花园的成功经验,提出福州建新花卉市场应调整传统单一的经营模式,采取多元化经营模式,建设成为集花卉交易、科研教学、文化交流、观花赏景、旅游观光于一体的休闲大花园的对策建议。


    Abstract: The development course and status quo of Tianwei highway garden in Taiwan were expounded in this paper and the successful experience of its development was also summarized. Then, the development status and existing problems of Jianxin flower market in Fuzhou were analyzed. Finally, on the basis of the successful experience of Tianwei highway garden in Taiwan, the countermeasures were put forward that Jianxin flower market in Fuzhou should adjust the traditional single business model, adopt a diversified business model, build a large leisure garden which embraces flowers trading, scientific research and teaching, cultural exchanges, flower viewing and tourism sightseeing.


