
Analysis on the Business Models of Taiwan’s Peasant Associations——A Case of Meinong Peasant Association in Kaohsiung

  • 摘要: 台湾农会是台湾农村社会中最重要的组织,是推动台湾农村经济发展最重要的组织。台湾农会成立至今已有百年历史,在这百年的时间中,农会的组织不断变革,经营管理模式不断变化,其经营模式值得去认真探究并且从中学习经验。该文以高雄市美浓区农会为例,采用Osterwalder九宫格商业模式图分析探究台湾农会的经营模式。


    Abstract: The peasant associations in Taiwan are the most important organization in Taiwan’s rural society, which can promote the rural economic development of Taiwan. Taiwan’s peasant associations have been established for a century. In the past 100 years, the organization of peasant associations has been constantly changing, as well as the business models. And the business models are worth to be explored seriously and learnt from the experience. By taking the Meinong peasant association in Kaohsiung as an example, the business models of Taiwan’s peasant associations were analyzed by using the business model of Osterwalder.


