
Examples and Enlightenment of Rural Industry Convergence in Taiwan

  • 摘要: 分别以兰花、茭白笋、百香果、凤梨酥加工、甘薯加工、草莓、海芋等产业为例,分析台湾农村产业融合发展的做法与经验;阐明农村产业融合发展能够提高农业附加值和农民收入,在纵向和横向上挖掘农业潜力,但产业融合发展的前提是要加强人力和技术的创新,且需要当局及相关机构的引导与财政支持。


    Abstract: The practice and experience of rural industry convergence in Taiwan were analyzed by using the industries of orchid, water bamboo, passion fruit, pineapple cake, sweet potato, strawberry and Calla lily as examples. Through rural industry convergence, the agricultural added value and peasants’ income were increased, and the agricultural potential was tapped, but the premise of industrial convergence was to strengthen the manpower and technological innovation , and the guidance and financial support from the government and related institutions were essential.


