Present situation of agricultural industrialization leading enterprise in Fuzhou
摘要: 对福州市238家市级以上农业产业化龙头企业进行调研与分析,将其分为10个行业类别,以水产行业最为突出,接着依次分别为蔬菜、畜牧、水果等;区域分布上呈现4个梯次,以福清51个为第一梯次;从资产规模、销售收入、净利润、实交税金、出口创汇等方面分析发现,福州市农业产业化龙头企业规模偏小,总体经营状况良好,尤其以水产企业为最好。Abstract: The agricultural industrialization leading enterprise in Fuzhou was divided into 10 kinds, and the number of aquaculture leading enterprise was the most. Area distribution showed 4 steps. Byanalyzing the asset size, sales income, net profits, tax actually paid and export volume, the results showed that the leading enterprise scale was small, general operating conditions was normal, and the aquaculture leading enterprise was the best.