
Differences of Carbon Intensity in China’s Different Regions and Spatial Econometric Analysis of Its Convergence

  • 摘要: 基于中国各省域二氧化碳排放量的相关数据,运用泰尔指数对中国不同区域(丝绸之路经济带、海上丝绸之路、京津冀经济区、东北经济区、长江经济带)碳强度差异进行探讨,并引入空间计量模型分析碳排放强度的收敛性。结果表明:中国碳排放强度区域差异十分明显,且区域内的差异大于区域间的差异,丝绸之路经济带的差异最显著,东北经济区的差异最弱;中国碳排放强度在省份之间不存在β绝对收敛,但是存在β条件收敛,收敛的速度只有微弱的2.65%。最后提出政府制定政策时应依据不同区域制定出统一性和差异性的政策。


    Abstract: Based on relevant data of China’s provincial carbon emissions, the differences of carbon intensity in different regions of China were discussed by using Theil index in this paper. The regions included Silk Road Economic Belt, Maritime Silk Road, BeijingTianjinHebei Economic Area, the northeastern economic region and Yangtze River Economic Belt. The spatial econometric model was also used to analyze the convergence of carbon intensity. The results showed that the regional differences of China’s carbon intensity were obvious, and the intraregional difference was greater than the interregional one, and the difference in Silk Road Economic Belt was the most obvious while the difference in the northeastern economic area was the most nonobvious. What’s more, there was no β absolute convergence problem in carbon intensity among the provinces in China, but there was β conditional convergence and the convergence rate was weakly 2.65%. Therefore, the government should make unified and diversified policies according to different regions.


