
Analysis on the Temporal and Spatial Variations and Influencing Factors of Grain Production in Fujian

  • 摘要: 利用1980—2013年福建省的粮食生产数据,从时间与地域空间两个维度对福建省的粮食生产进行分析,结果表明:在时间尺度上,自1980年以来福建粮食生产可以分为4个阶段:波动变化期、持续增长期、急速下滑期和稳步回升期,当前福建粮食生产状况向好,处于回升后的稳定阶段;在空间尺度上,福建省的粮食生产和消费均表现出明显的地域差别性,生产方面可以划分为3个类型:闽西北为高产低变型、闽东南为中产高变型和厦门、莆田的低产高变型;消费方面,可将福州、莆田、泉州和厦门划为严重缺粮区,漳州、宁德为一般缺粮区以及三明、南平和龙岩为一般余粮区;影响福建粮食生产变化的主要因素有城市化对耕地的占用、工业化导致农村劳动力的流失、物价上涨、经营模式小等。最后,进一步提出了稳定福建省粮食生产的相关对策建议。


    Abstract:  In this paper, the grain production status in Fujian was analyzed from the time and spatial dimensions based on the data of grain production from 1980 to 2013 in Fujian. The results showed that: On the time scale, the grain production in Fujian could be divided into four stages since 1980, including fluctuation, sustainable growth, rapid decline and steady recovery periods.And the current situation of grain production in Fujian continued to improve and was at a stable stage after the recovery. On the spatial scale, there were obvious regional differences in grain production and consumption in Fujian. And the grain production could be divided into three categories, including the high yield and low variant in the northwest of Fujian, the middle yield and high variant in the southeast of Fujian, the low yield and high variant in Xiamen and Putian, while on the consumption side, the serious graindeficit areas were Fuzhou, Putian, Quanzhou and Xiamen; the general graindeficit areas were Zhangzhou and Ningde; the general grainsurplus areas were Sanming, Nanping and Longyan. The main factors that affected grain production included the occupation of cultivated land owning to urbanization, the loss of rural labor, price increase, small agricultural management model owing to industrialization, etc. Finally, some countermeasures were put forward to stable the grain production in Fujian.


