
Contrastive Analysis on the Comparative Advantages of Cross-strait Agricultural Product Trade

  • 摘要: 以两岸农产品的贸易现状为研究背景,利用显示性比较优势指数和贸易条件指数分析两岸农产品贸易的比较优势,并针对两岸农产品贸易比较优势的测算结果,提出加强两岸农业的生产和管理技术的交流合作、协调好两岸在国际市场上的竞争关系、促进两岸优质资源整合等对策建议。


    Abstract:  Taking the current situation of crossstrait agricultural product trade as the research background, the comparative advantages of crossstrait agricultural product trade were analyzed by using the revealed comparative advantage index and terms of trade index. Then, based on the measuring results, the countermeasures were put forward including strengthening the exchange and cooperation in crossstrait agricultural production and management technologies, coordinating the crossstrait competition relationship in the international market, promoting the integration of crossstrait highquality resources, etc.


