
Development and Characteristics of Taiwan’s Agricultural Technology Extension System

  • 摘要: 农业技术推广体系的建立是为了支持农业产业升级与农村的经济发展,但农业推广因时空、地域、环境及所处经济阶段的不同而呈现出不同的形式。该文对台湾农业技术推广体系的演变历程、体系结构及发展特色进行了详细剖析,并提出了建立多元化的农业技术推广体系、加大农业技术推广力度、完善农民培训的教学内容及考评制度等促进大陆地区农业技术推广发展的对策建议。


    Abstract: The establishment of agricultural technology extension system is to support agricultural industry upgrading and rural economic development. However, the agricultural extension shows different forms in accordance with the differences of spacetime, region, environment and economic stage. In this paper, the evolution, system structure and development characteristics of Taiwan’s agricultural technology extension system were analyzed in detail. Then, the countermeasures were put forward including establishing a diversified agricultural technology extension system, strengthening the promotion efficiency of agricultural technology, improving the teaching contents and evaluation system for peasants’ training, thus to promote the development of agricultural technology extension in the Chinese mainland.


